Victoria Cat Rescue Corps Society - Home
Victoria Cat Rescue Corps Society
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How you can Help!

  • Spay or neuter your pet
  • Provide a loving home for a rescued animal

  • Make a tax deductible donation. You can send donations to:

    P.O. Box 5478 LCD 9


  • You can donate online at by clicking the DONATE NOW button below.

Donate Now Through!

    Please note that if you choose this option, will issue your tax receipt and will deduct a 3.9% transaction fee from your donation. This fee covers credit card charges and their services.

  • Join the Cat Rescue Corps and become a volunteer. Volunteers are needed to foster rescued cats and to help with fundraising.
  • Remember The Victoria Cat Rescue Corps Society in your will
  • Donate your recyclable bottles at The Bottle Depot, 3961 Quadra St. When you cash in your bottles there, simply tell then to donate the proceeds to The Victoria Cat Rescue Corps Society's account.

  • Whitney Garside is selling “Best Friends Fur Life” t-shirts (picture below) and donating $5 from each sale to The Victoria Cat Rescue Corps Society.
    You can order a “Best Friends Fur Life” t-shirt for $20.  To order, email or call 250-217-3626.

    Best Friends Fur Life

    Colours: Pink, Black, Grey and Mauve.  Sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL (XXL only in Black)

  • If you are a compassionate veterinarian who can help our spay/neuter/medical programs, please email us or call 250-656-1100.  Thank you!


Thank you for your interest in, and support of,
the Victoria Cat Rescue Corps Society!

To learn more about our background, click here

Donations to the Victoria Cat Rescue Corps Society are tax deductible. Call 250-656-1100 or email for more information. We welcome and encourage bequests, and we always need volunteers and foster homes for our adoption program. You can also help by simply having your pet spayed or neutered.

You can help

If you would like to make a donation to help with our spay/neuter, adoption, or medical help programs, we thank you, and gratefully accept cheque or money orders to: Victoria Cat Rescue Corps Society, P.O. Box 5478 LCD 9, Victoria, BC Canada, V8R 6S4, email

find us on Facebook

©2001-2025 Victoria Cat Rescue Corps Society
Box 5478 LCD 9, Victoria, BC Canada, V8R 6S4 - Tel: (250) 656-1100

Website Maintained by Volunteers and Orchard Internet Services